Cleaning day in the studio, have fun and save time in the future

Cleaning day is not what you normally think about after it’s been a long day, week or month in the studio and you’ve been cranking out your music or art. Which is Awesome. You created something you love and probably something else you don’t love, a messy studio. It happens to every studio I’ve ever been in. Cables strewn about, instruments and equipment in the wrong place, hopefully you avoided spilled drinks! How long can you leave your studio in that state before you start wasting time on the next project?

Every studio deserves some attention

Cleaning is worth the time saved

Many people don’t like to clean. I get it, who likes cleaning up messes? While I try to put things back as soon as I use them, I always leave something out or out of place. So, depending on the need (and disaster) I try to clean up every other week. I wrap cables, put mic stands back in their place, etc. Monthly, I give every thing a good dusting and wiping down. You might think that’s a bit much but I’d ask you, “Do you want to waste creative time looking and maintaining equipment?” Seriously, creators talk about wanting to be in the flow and inspired when they create. How does it feel when you are in the flow and you go, “Oh, I have to replace my strings,” or “Where is that shaker”.

I’m not going to harp on the idea that a clean studio is necessary for success. Leave it a mess when you’re creating or deep into a process. Clean and straight up in between sessions. You’ll have a clearer mind and a clearer path to the tools and equipment you need.

What will your guests think?

I know when I invite guests into my studio to record I want it clean, prepped and everything ready to go. The last thing I want is to start a co-write session and have to move trash and cables out of the way for them to have a seat. No, I want my guests, paid and paying artists to feel at home. When everyone is comfortable and at ease the process won’t be interrupted because of untidiness, something which is completely preventable. Besides, if your guests see a messy studio what could they think about your work if they are not that familiar with it? Take care of your studio and your guests and you’ll have a better chance of a great session.

For more information on what I can do to help, questions or comments please subscribe to my newsletter or contact me. I’m here to help!
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About Me


I love creating music for myself and others. My primary focus is on working with great vocalists and musicians to create new and original sounding songs. When I’m not working with other artists, I am creating instrumentals, doing client work and volunteering for Librivox as a reader.

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Wicked Lover

Another original song I created during my YouTube live streams. This this the final product of that song. Visit and find streaming options.

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